The Power Of Words
Bethy, Kenya (Coach)
One of my members reported last week that the workload at her new workplace was weighing her down and she felt so tired. They worked long hours and on Saturdays too. We had been watching training videos on the Power of Words. We all encouraged her to remember to speak life into her work situation. And for the first time in the history of the company, the office was granted Saturdays off!! Glory to God! People used to quit every two weeks at this workplace, the staff turnover was very high. Staff were disgruntled and unhappy with the work conditions. Right now since my members started praying, staff retention is at its best!
Another member who has been coming to Spirit Lifestyle has been through a lot of disappointments. She lost her business. She could not find a job or even an interview, she’s been going through rejection all her life. Then in December, she got an interview and we all prayed for her in class. Yesterday she received a letter of acceptance for a job (please note that in Africa, finding a job is a very big deal! People bribe their way to get a job) so this is a huge celebration! Glory to God..
(Originally posted on our Spirit Lifestyle Community Page)