The Gift Of Tongues
Jo, UK
I have become so grateful for my Spirit Lifestyle class that meet in my home on a Tuesday evening! One lady suggested we have a Miracle Jar. We can then write down and pop in the jar everything that the Holy Spirit is doing each week amongst us. And pull them out to remind us what God has done!
Last week we continued with the Spirit Lifestyle online series “Power of the Spirit”. Aliss was praying for us to receive words of knowledge for healing! I asked the group if any one had anything. A member of our group said she suddenly experienced pain in her chest. The lady next to her said that’s me. She explained she was out walking the dogs the week before and thinks she pulled something as her chest started to hurt, and she found it painful when she took deep breaths. The lady who had the word of knowledge prayed, and she was instantly healed!! We are truly being activated in the gift of healing!
The week before I felt prompted to start the series with the last episode on “Gifts of the Spirit” which I thought was a bit odd, but went along with it. A new lady joined us that evening and after the session finished, she shared how she always wanted the gift of tounges. She shared how she has been prayed for many times for years, but nothing. After hearing the teaching and us praying, another member shared a word the Lord gave her “Just as a bird is without Song, so are you without tounge.”
The next morning I got a text to say she was out on her patio early morning, listening to the birds singing, and she spoke in tounges for the first time!!! She explained it just kept coming! It was such a joy to hear her praying in tounges the following week in our class!