Sound The Alarm
Eva, Texas USA
WOAH. What an amazing summer it has been in the classes! It has been full speed ahead, and the Lord is doing a mighty work through Spirit Lifestyle and the team…thank you for all the ‘food’ for us to “EAT” !!!! (The videos and teaching materials) You make it easy to walk in what the Lord has for us!!! 😊🙌
We have seen the Lord move mightily over the last few months! Prophecy has come to pass, healings have occurred, deliverances and lots of learning! 👏👏👏 The timing of the Lord is so important, and we have needed all of this information in order to be equipped for the Kingdom and for the harvest of those that will be coming into it!
Yesterday in one my classes, I was talking about how I was awakened by my smoke alarm in the middle of the night. I did not appreciate it at all, being awakened from a restful sleep by what seemed to be like a chirping noise…the batteries in the smoke alarm should have been fine. They are all less than a year old! So, I thought that was strange. Just like I thought it was strange when I kept seeing the numbers 911 over and over last week. Hmm….
I thought it was stranger yet, when I was telling my class – and three of the ladies had THEIR SMOKE ALARMS GO OFF at the same time, while I was telling them about mine! DURING CLASS. Oh no, that’s not strange at all!! 🤣
TALK ABOUT THE LORD GETTING OUR ATTENTION! Wake up!! ⏰ Keep alert and ALL EYES ON HIM! And all hands on deck! We have been activated to our assignments! The harvest is ripe and ready! Lord, we are part of Your Kingdom come, Your will be done, and we are harkened with our eyes and ears opened in the spirit to Your voice, and ready for duty!
The Lord is wanting His Ecclesia, His believers, to be ready to bring in the harvest that is ready and ripe. And from what He has revealed to me prophetically, there is a shaking coming quickly to awaken! We need every tool He has given us, every gift He has bestowed upon us and all hands on deck! The Lord told me recently, “Did you think I was equipping you to just sit behind a desk?” I had to literally giggle…. “No Lord, I suppose not! Have Your way with me, Lord!”
We are like secret agents being sent out and dispatched to be His hands and feet!
But WHAT DID Jesus’ hands do? 🤷♀️
He prayed
He praised the Father
Healed the Sick
Raised the Dead
Stopped the Storm
Drove out Demons
He set the captives free
He washed feet
Broke and Multiplied Bread (We are going to need this one too!)
and HUGS. I bet He gave GREAT HUGS!!!! He LOVED.
He gave love. And He received love.
He took authority.
He stretched them out for us.
(There is probably not enough room on the internet to hold all that He did…)
And He is our ultimate role-model. WE ARE His hands and feet.
So what’s IN our hands? The Word of God/OUR SWORD, the tools that our provided by other mentors like Aliss and Rob Cresswell… And what we need to understand, is that through Jesus’ blood and the Holy Spirit – in our hands He has placed POWER (might) and AUTHORITY.
To be able to be Jesus’ hands and feet, and to do the work of the Kingdom so His will is accomplished through us on the earth, we need to learn to use our swords AND our sceptres! We are in and from a Kingdom and are learning to RULE and REIGN with Christ Jesus! We need all the tools of the Kingdom that the Lord has provided to rule and reign on earth as it is in heaven, for such a time as this! We will be winning souls for the Kingdom of God, using every gift from above and here on earth.
We use a sword AND a sceptre – to Rule AND to Reign with Christ in the Heavenly realms! We rule and reign with Him, through Him, through faith, even now – if we dare to understand that there is no time or distance in the spirit realm. In one video, Rob Cresswell called us, BILOCATIONAL – That we have full access to the heavenly realms and the Kingdom of God and His throne, by faith. It is a benefit of being a CHILD OF THE MOST HIGH KING! We are indeed royalty and heirs, but…how do we do this?
We need to know Him intimately, to trust Him intimately and YIELD to Him completely. And then allow Him to reveal our TRUE IDENTITY in Him! Our true identity!!! The Word says He chose us in Him before the foundations of the Earth were created. Abba Father, Jehovah – Jesus is in Him, and we are in Jesus… which gives us full access to the Father. Isn’t that amazing? We are ROYALTY, heirs. Time for us to get back in touch with the original plan, original blueprints that He has for each one of us – for the mature saints in Him to come forth. It is time for the Sons of God to arise and shine, because all of creation has been awaiting, groaning for the Sons of God to manifest! So get that sword and sceptre! It’s time to come into the fullness of His calling! The Lord of the Harvest is SOUNDING THE ALARM!
Hugs and Blessings, E 💖🔥
(Originally posted on our Spirit Lifestyle Community Page)