My Grandson Did Not Die!
Beverly, South Africa
I am filled with praises, singing GLORY HALELUJAH to our Jehovah Rapha, Jehovah Gibbor, Jehovah El Elyon, The Omnipotent, Omniscient and Omnipresent God, who is Jehovah Shamaa!!!! I cannot stop praising His Name for He is just so awesome and amazing and wonderful!
I am a grandmother of 6 yr old twin boys, who are very lively and active. Haiden, the younger of the twins, was diagnosed at birth with NEC, a condition that hits some premature babies, but Haiden wasn’t premature, just the smaller twin at a weight of 2.1kg. On the second day of birth, his mom noticed that he projectiled his feeds every time and on the third day was diagnosed with this ghastly disease.
Statistics show that 95% of these infants die on the 3rd day of birth, so I started a global prayer network, because Haiden didn’t just have NEC, but all his main organs were infected with bacteria, plus he had 3 holes in his heart! On the 4th day, he was flown by helicopter to the main hospital in Cape Town, Grootte Schuur hospital and was in ICU for 2 weeks. The afternoon of the 4th day, doctors told his mom to seek grief counselling as he will surely die, because his condition was apparently the worst they have yet seen.
Very teary and fearful she called me to give me the news. Immediately, without hesitation my response was that God never told me one twin was going to die, (they were prophesied over my life in 2011 and born in 2015) so NO machines are to be switched off. I think there were more pipes on his body that bones and flesh. That evening, the Holy Spirit prompted me to pray Haiden to the Red Cross War Memorial Children’s Hospital, because of what the Cross represents: healing and restoration.
He was transferred to Red Cross within 2 weeks of his stay at Grootte Schuur, for a heart operation. The 2nd miracle happened within 3 days at Red Cross; (the first being that he didn’t die!) the holes in his heart closed up miraculously!!! And so his miracle healing started, but the colon still was a problem and 4 months into his hospital stay at Red Cross Hospital, the doctors decided to let him have a stoma, in order for the colon to heal and the affected parts were cut away.
During those 4 months in hospital, I travelled between work and him and every evening, without fail, gave him communion (just a crumb and a drop of juice) and my nights were spent at his bedside, praying, declaring, praising and doing warfare. He had his stoma reversal at the age of 6 months and was sent home for the 1st time and what a joyous moment that was.
So our journey started with Haiden, in and out of hospital, never losing hope and during that time also teaching him to take responsibility for his healing and taught him healing scriptures! Needless to say, he became a little warrior himself, with his twin brother, Aston, following suit! Fast forward to 2021, Haiden was hospitalised and in ONE WEEK had 3 operations on his colon, as an infection gathered in his tummy.
Again, I spent those 4 months with him in hospital and what an amazing journey it was; witnessing him going through a most horrendous time of pain, 2 more surgeries, (5 in total in 5 months) becoming mute and hostile to receive another stoma!!! His team of doctors put him on a 37 days fast of ONLY ICE, to get the colon to heal!! It has never been done before so we all prayed profusely, had prayer meetings in the hospital and many praying for him outside and GOD DID IT!!! We were discharged on the 16th July where the nursing continued at home! He made miraculously progress at home too and everyday was a day of praise!!
He had the reversal of his stoma on 2 February, but trust me, in-between discharge last year and reversal this year, we had many trips to ER, but God came through every single time!! We were discharged on 14th February and had 2 subsequent check-ups at hospital, and the great news is that he has been given the complete bill of health on Tuesday!!!
My Spirit Lifestyle Coach, Judene, and the class prayed daily. Haiden and Aston decreed his healing, and so many others joined in and God CAME THROUGH! They are leaving South Africa to live in Tunbridge Wells, Kent UK next month and the doctor prepared his file for the hospital closest. But right now I DECREE AND DECLARE THAT HAIDEN WILL NEVER SEE THE INSIDE OF A HOSPITAL AGAIN, unless its to tell his testimony, minister to or even serve as a doctor there!!
We give God all the PRAISE, all the GLORY and all the HONOUR due for His Hand on all of us, for as Haiden suffered, so did we all. Thank you to my Cape Town class and everyone else on here who stood with us in prayer; may God bless you abundantly and bless the works of your hands and knees!!!