Our Mission
Miracle Cafés® is a powerful movement releasing ‘a taste of heaven’ across the nations, impacting lives and transforming communities.
Through a growing network of Miracle Cafés® established by missional entrepreneurs demonstrating the love and power of God in their communities, partnering with the Miracle Café® vision and values.
With a friendly, Holy Spirit-led team, fully trained and offering a free Miracle Menu® to all customers, along with a fantastic customer experience, quality food and drink, and a weekly Spirit Lifestyle® Class onsite.

Our Story
After giving up their dream home and careers to help others discover their life’s purpose, Rob & Aliss Cresswell opened the first ‘miracle’ café in Blacon, Chester UK in 2009. They subsequently opened ‘Spirit’ shop in the centre of Chester and then Little Mollington Hall boutique B&B, gift shop, bistro and training centre.
Thousands have reported receiving healing, freedom, direction and new life after visiting these missional enterprises and through Aliss & Rob’s Spirit Lifestyle® training. (Read some of these testimonials on the Transformations page of this website and Aliss’ books available at SpiritLifestyle.com and on Kindle).
Unless a grain of wheat falls to the ground and dies…
Despite the success and fruit from all that Rob & Aliss were achieving, the Lord asked them to lay it all down, including Aliss’ dream of opening ‘miracle’ cafés and shops worldwide. Rob & Aliss then focussed on training and equipping others through Spirit Lifestyle workshops and videos (SpiritLifestyle.com) and writing books.
In early 2020, after clear direction from the Holy Spirit, Rob & Aliss left their home base in Chester, taking only what they could fit in their car. Together with their new team of ‘Coaches’, Spirit Lifestyle Classes were launched in various locations online during lockdowns and then locally in many nations. Then in 2021 while talking with her friend Ruth, Aliss’ original vision of a movement of ‘miracle’ cafés worldwide was re-ignited.
After much prayer, discussion and hard work, but without any money nor even a bank account, in February 2022 Aliss and Ruth opened their first Miracle Café® together in Bangor, North Wales, as a Community Interest Company. From the moment it opened, Miracle Café® Bangor has provided customers with ‘a taste of heaven’, lives have been transformed and the community impacted with the love and power of God.
Living Water For The Thirsty
In Jesus’ day, people would gather at the local well. They came because they were thirsty and needed water to live, as well as a social gathering place. And just like the woman at the well who encountered Jesus one day, the Miracle Café® provides nourishment for the body, but also ‘a taste of heaven’; streams of living water for spirit, soul and body.
Jesus shared a word of knowledge for the woman at the well and she received a brief but life-changing encounter with Him. It was what she longed for. She then shared the good news with her whole town and invited them to: ‘Come see’. So it is at a Miracle Café®. Customers often arrive simply expecting good food and drink, but are also offered a supernatural taste of heaven, receiving a life-changing encounter with the God of love.
Opening Day 1 February 2022
On the first day Miracle Café® Bangor opened, despite not yet having recruited a chef and deciding to do a ‘soft launch’ and open gently, the café was busy all day. As the doors opened, a customer arrived, and after ordering a coffee and some food, also asked for ‘personal prophecy’ from the menu. He was so encouraged by what was spoken to him, that he prayed a prayer to receive Jesus.
The next customer said she was a witch and after enjoying some food, she asked for and received some healing in her body. She then posted about her visit on her social media business and told people to check out the new Miracle Café®. As a result, many came in and received a taste of heaven for themselves.
Then two customers from Switzerland asked for a dream interpretation and freedom from evil spirits. They were both visibly moved as Todd interpreted the dream in German for one, and the other got free and prayed to receive Jesus into his life. A local workman then came in, his broken ankle was healed and he asked Jesus into his life too.
Students arrived and while enjoying the good food and modern vibe, asked for freedom and prophetic words, and received a touch from God; some asking to receive Jesus too.
Ruth was cooking, her husband Terry washing up, Todd the barista on drinks and Aliss front of house waiting tables and offering ministry with help from Todd. Also on the first day, a head chef from a fine dining restaurant arrived for coffee with a friend. He was so taken with the ambience and the hospitality, after receiving physical healing, he told his friend: ‘I want to work with these people!’ A few days later, he quit his job and is now Chef at Miracle Café® Bangor!
In addition to the cafe in Wales, Rob & Aliss are now also partnering with others to open Miracle Cafes® in their communities and in 2023 more Miracle Cafes were launched: in BC Canada, the Midlands, England and now even Azerbaijan in the Middle East too, with more planned for 2024. Each of these cafes is also witnessing incredible miracles.
Why Miracle Cafes?
Imagine a Miracle Café® in your community. What would that look like?
People who have never known God or perhaps have walked away from Him. Lonely, hurting, broken, anxious, spiritually lost, in pain, no hope, no direction, empty, often desperate, facing challenges without an answer and nowhere to turn.
What if they could easily go into a welcoming place without judgment, an ‘everyday’ place that is open to all, no matter their religion, beliefs, race, social status or identity? To just sit with a coffee or a tasty meal, to meet a friend or family member in a wonderful atmosphere of peace and joy. And to be given the opportunity, if they so choose, to receive a taste of heaven – a life-changing encounter with the living God. FREE for every customer.
With no expectation of having to attend at a certain time, or sign up for activities, but being able to return whenever they wish, alone or with friends, to order from the menu and discover more or to simply enjoy. Plus an open invitation to every customer to learn more at the on-site Spirit Lifestyle® Class – weekly coaching for spirit, soul and body.
One by one, transforming lives in the ‘normal’ supernatural model displayed by Jesus and the early church. In everyday situations, simply but powerfully demonstrating God’s love, reaching out and gathering into God’s family and making disciples of Jesus, just like He asked us to. Communities changed from the inside out.
Community Transformation
What would this look like in every city and every community around the world? Jesus said to pray for God’s will to be done and His kingdom to come on earth as it is in heaven. We are seeing this happen through ordinary people, full of the Holy Spirit and with humble hearts serving others, demonstrating God’s love and power and releasing the kingdom of heaven on earth.
Before the first ‘miracle’ café opened in 2009, the neighbourhood of Blacon with 18,000 people had a very high crime rate, high unemployment and low house prices. Since the café opened, the crime rate came down, unemployment came down and house prices increased dramatically. Other ministries and churches have also now appeared in Blacon after decades of spiritual isolation. All of this can be linked to the impact of that first Miracle Café®.
The first person into the café was Kieran – the teenager dropped out of school that the police had warned Aliss about. Not only did he receive a word of knowledge that shook him so much he asked for prayer, but his broken ankle was healed instantly and he received Jesus. The police asked if they could send more troublemakers to the café, because they’d seen such dramatic results with many of the youth! Thirteen years later, Aliss met Kieran again and he shared at length how his life has been transformed as a result of the Café and meeting Jesus there. Not only was he set free from ADHD and dyslexia, but he’d gone to college, passed his exams, learned skills and started a successful business employing many staff. He attributes all of this to the ‘miracle’ café in Blacon, and has followed Jesus ever since. This is just one of the hundreds of lives impacted by that first Miracle Café® – in the words of Jesus: “Fruit that lasts.”

Open a Miracle Café® in your community!
Miracle Cafes are a fantastic way for God’s love to be demonstrated powerfully, to individuals, as well as transforming communities. So we want to see Miracle Cafes established in as many cities, communities and nations as possible.
We are actively seeking to partner with leaders, entrepreneurs and other passionate people whom we can pour into with all our knowledge, skills and impartation, to open Miracle Cafes in their communities. We are currently working towards opening more Miracle Cafes in the UK, Europe, USA, Central America, Africa and other nations. We invite anyone full of the Holy Spirit who has a desire to open a Miracle Cafe to get in touch with us through the interest form below.
Internship Program
Over the years we have worked with interns, providing ministry and customer service training and opportunities within our shops, cafés and classes. We are currently offering a 12 month internship program: each intern to be trained, not only in hospitality and supernatural ministry, but also in business – how to set up and run a Miracle Café®. Interns then have an option to plant a Miracle Café® in another location as a team. This is a great first step for anyone interested in running their own Miracle Café® or who wants to progress to a career in business or ministry.
‘Friends’ of Miracle Cafes
In order to establish and sustain Miracle Cafés® and train missional teams around the nations of the world, we need your help and cannot do this on our own.
Please consider becoming a ‘friend’ of Miracles Cafes: in addition to one off donations, we are looking for committed partners who will give regularly into either our UK or US charitable organisations.
(Also, potential café premises, equipment and accommodation for our team and interns – help from property owners and investors will also be gratefully welcomed.)
We rely on your support and thank you for your faithful giving.
We’d love you to partner with us; please consider setting up a regular donation.