The Biggest Deliverance Experienced In The 30 Years Of My Christian Life!
Wow – the Celebration event in Manchester was the most amazing and anointed Christian conference that I have ever attended! I feel empowered to live out Christian life in my everyday life, under the love and power of the Holy Spirit. As well as experiencing a supernatural encounter with God, and healing, I came away from conference with a thirst to read Gods word, and also read again of the many miracles he did during his ministry on earth.
Yesterday, I had a birthday and realise the years are advancing and in the worlds eyes I am not young . However, I was reminded of coach David’s word at the conference about older people who may feel they have wasted their life so far or missed out. He said that the latter days for us would be the best years, just like book of Job and God would restore unto us the locust years. I truly believe this and hunger for Gods promises and look forward to all he has for me with great expectation and excitement!
During the service on Friday morning, I was set free from a spirit of trauma. Aliss gave a testimony about the delivery man who was set free and as she spoke, the Holy Spirit seemed to be stirring something in my heart. Aliss said ‘ some of you will have had ministry but the root is not out yet’. I’ve had some ministry over years, but did not realise I was still carrying such a deep root with lots of tentacles, until the Holy Spirit came in such love and power to set me free!
I think I tried to bury the depth of pain from within, and my way of dealing with it, was trying never to think it, but often I was reminded of things and sometimes the past came back in dreams. I was brought up through my schooling, to press on and be strong, move forward and work hard. By keeping busy and in my own strength, I tried to block out the past. It was biggest deliverance I’ve ever experienced in 30 years of my Christian life. It was like a weight lifted off me, and something came out of me from deep within.
The Holy Spirit has since showed me it was more than one trauma and also generational trauma. After the conference, I gave my testimony to an old lady who prayed for me a few years ago, and she said to me ‘ I always felt you were carrying that spirit’. A spirit of trauma, pain and anguish can also unknowingly be passed to the next generation. For example, many of our parents and grandparents have experienced many sufferings and grief through wars during the last century. I’ve come back from conference full of love for Jesus, transformed by the power of his Spirit and full of expectation for what he can do in my life.
I’ve been reading my Bible more and reminded of the many miracles that Jesus did during his ministry. Thousands gathered in towns to witness him healing sick and casting out demons. Jesus still performs these miracles today! He is Alive through his Spirit. He sent his Holy Spirit so that his disciples can go out in his name to heal the sick, cast out demons and set the captives free. Freely we have received, freely give.
I have been watching the videos on the website, one after another this week, and every one of them speaks to me and is excellent! Aliss and Rob have a wonderful anointed ministry and they are so down to earth and authentic. I love their testimonies. God bless them and I know they will bear much fruit and this is just the beginning of a global ministry, where many will come into the Kingdom and people will be set on fire for God.