Doctors Confused After Healing Prayer!
Eva, Texas
During my local class we had people who forgave and found freedom; two people received their heavenly language/speaking in tongues; we had several miracles for healing, Words of knowledge came forth, and lots of going deeper in the Holy Spirit!
As I approached the church one night before class, in the Spirit, I saw a funnel looking glory cloud over the roof of the church, and the Lord told me, “I’m going to stir things up tonight!” During that particular class, one person manifested demons and we prayed for her deliverance. She received freedom that day. I had never seen anything like that, and I learned a lot! I used the authority that Jesus has given us that I learned from Aliss and Rob’s videos on deliverance. If it was not for their solid biblical teaching on our authority in Christ, I would not have had the boldness to use that authority.
A couple weeks ago a member was diagnosed with:
1. A mass in her abdomen
2. Liver level counts off, showing signs of possible liver failure (that was their exact words…)
3. A mass in her breast
We take communion every week in our class. Out of over 20-25 people, she received the pre-packaged communion cup with the two wafers. DOUBLE PORTION!! Our class prayed, took authority over all of the attacks of the enemy in her body; we talked about unforgiveness, etc.
Now…. as of today?
1. She had another test on her abdomen… they COULDN’T FIND THE MASS.
2. The doctor reviewed her levels regarding her liver… said “not sure what happened, but your levels are fine – nothing to worry about.”
3. She went to her test TODAY for her breast… the technician felt a lump… but IT WOULD NOT SHOW ON THE TEST. They looked again… it didn’t show on scan. The confused technician went to go get the doctor…The doctor examined her and says “I don’t know what to tell you but you do not have cancer it’s probably just a cyst that will disappear.”
GLORY TO GOD!!! Hallelujah!!! TESTIFY!!!!