I Can Touch My Toes…!
Eva, Texas (Coach)
During our last Spirit Lifestyle Class many of the members brought up struggling with back pain lately. It occurred to me how strange that it was SO MANY in the class with the same issue. Of course we prayed, for the whole class, and for other things as we usually do.
I have noticed that when there is an attack in an area, that could mean there is a BREAKTHROUGH COMING in that very area!!! The enemy is a liar! A forever loser!
Three of us from my class went to a special church related event here in Houston to hear a special speaker. After the meeting, it was late and we decided to go to an all night breakfast place.
After eating, my class member asked the waiter at the register if he needed prayer for anything. At first, he said no…. but then the Holy Spirit began to flow…. we gave him words of knowledge as his eyes got big. The Lord brought to my memory the issue of ‘pain in backs’ and I mentioned it. He looked so surprised! The best part is, when we laid hands on him, and watched as the Lord took his pain away and healed his back, to his surprise! He kept saying, “I can’t touch my toes… I haven’t done that in a long time” and we said TRY IT! He did it – to his amazement! Then again, and again and again! He was so excited! He said he had not received prayer like that since he was in middle school. He was so thankful to see the Lord’s love in action! In power! Thank you Jesus for letting this young man know that YOU SEE HIM, that he is significant.
Oh how I love all that we have learned and continue to learn from Spirit Lifestyle and Rob and Aliss. It has given us the tools and the scriptural foundation to step out, to reach out and BE the hands and feet of Jesus…. In love and in power – because that’s what others need to see from us! LOVE IN ACTION! Faith without works is dead. Eventually it is time to put in to practice what we learn and watch as the Holy Spirit moves mightily! There is no better feeling than to watch the Lord move on others’ hearts.
Lord, I pray that as this community learns and receives the tools they need, that You provide the faith, the opportunities for us all to put into practice what we are learning…. As we continue to do the works of Our Father and be Your hands and feet! Thank you Jesus that You want to use EVERYONE that is willing, that gives You their “Yes!”