It Is Time
Ellen, Florida, USA (Spirit Lifestyle Coach)
I started my in person Spirit Lifestyle class this week. Thank you so much to the other members for praying! I didn’t know if anyone would come – then all of the sudden they started coming in! One lady said ‘I haven’t felt this powerful presence since the Brownsville revival’. The Holy Spirit moved and no one wanted to leave. I had my lights down low and candle light with songs playing. We worshiped and prayed for each other. We looked up the scriptures for the class activations for the Spirit Lifestyle ‘God Is Light’ video and I gave a personal testimony and shared prophetic words God had given me.
One of the ladies said ‘I felt something lift’, when I prayed for her. Others were so filled we could barely stand up and said it felt like we were standing up above the ground. Everyone took notes and some had words of confirmation for others. The Lord gave me a word the day before class. I picked up an old clock that doesn’t work and looked at the time – it just so happened to show the correct time 3:00, what are the odds! The Lord said.. IT IS TIME. Two other words came through concerning clocks from friends. One was Mario Marillo saying at 3:00 God changed everything. The result was revival fires sweeping through California as a result of his obedience. I knew I was to sew a love gift to his ministry but also for me. Its time!! 💖